Development of TeamUP networking programme
TeamUP has continuously enlarged its network of experts since the beginning of the project. This started with the set up of a high-quality End-users and External Advisory Board (UAB), with members from seven different European countries. Their engagement at policy and operational level has been exemplary so far, with attendance to online and physical meetings as well as to the exercise in Dortmund and the co-creation workshop at Campus Vesta.
Networking with projects and stakeholders from the CBRN-E sector has also started on the ground. TeamUP was already presented at CERIS-DRS events, at the European Civil Protection Forum (organised by DG ECHO), at the ‘Projects to Policy Seminars’ (organised by DG HOME) and to medical experts.
The TeamUP consortium will further develop its networking activities with all CBRN-E practitioners, including research projects, first responders and training centers. A special focus will be set on the Community for European Research and Innovation for Security (CERIS). One of the highlights of the networking programme will be the CEN Workshop Agreement, where different stakeholders will be invited to define together thresholds determining people and objects as “decontaminated”.
Anyone interested to be invited and contribute to TeamUP workshops and other activities is very welcomed to write us at: