Work Packages
The project framework for TeamUP is structured into eight distinct but correlating work packages (WPs), designed to achieve the project’s objectives within the 36-month timeframe. The selection of WP leaders was strategically based on their specialised knowledge and their concentration of expertise. The inherently cooperative nature of the framework engages multiple consortium members in the execution of each work package and their respective subtasks.

Innovative Work Packages
WP2 Holistic Capability and Technology Evaluation & Co-Development Framework
[Lead: VESTA] WP 2 aims at an improved
understanding of SOPs and existing GAPs in cross-sectoral CBRN-E response; the generation of an overview of solutions and frameworks (training evaluation); development of unified framework of capabilities and technology evaluation; implementation of two sets of TTX/SSX; definition of use-cases to test the TeamUP; co-creation of the TeamUP Toolkit (guidelines, recommendations and protocols, decision tree algorithm, tips, useful relevant and updated information for first responders.); planning and specification of the overall TeamUP architecture and the definition of the evaluation process and criteria.
WP3 CBRN-E Detection, Identification and Monitoring
[Lead: UCLouvain] WP 3 is dedicated to the development and further improvement of the usability of innovative technologies for Detection, Identification and Monitoring of a) Chemical substances with airborne and handheld sensors supported by field deployable calibration component b) Biological agents with handheld optical-based sensors and Loop-mediated isothermal amplification-based first screening c) Portable, smart and wearable devices for detection of gamma, beta and neutron radiation for increased safety and situation awareness of first responders d) Non-database driven, requiring minimum configuration, explosives detector and sampler.
WP4 Search and Rescue, Triage and Decontamination
[Lead: ICCS] WP 4 aims to optimise SaR operations to guarantee first responser’s health and safety and fast detection of victims. It foresees to provide first responders with decision support for agent recognition, therapeutics and decontamination assessment suing. A Portable Breath Analysis and Smart and Easily Deployable Mass and Infrastructure DECON Solutions will be provided along with triaging and DECON process tracing support by digital systems. The WP also includes awareness raising among citizen Awareness and the improvement of collaboration among different responding teams.
WP5 Collaborative Planning, Response and Training
[Lead: EXUS] WP 5 includes the development of a Multi Source Information Fusion Engine for context-aware interpretation, as well as the CBRN-E Incident Management System. This WP will provide realistic training scenarios facilitated by the collaboration of multidisciplinary stakeholders and the use of scenario building tool for AR services and VR-based training. Solutions will include hands-free operations capability, minimising contamination risks.
WP6 Tools Integration, Testing and Field Validation and Knowledge Capitalisation
[Lead: CERTH] WP 6 will ensure the efficient integration, verification and benchmarking of all tools and services and implement a wide testing, training, and validation programme (consisting of 3 Table Top Exercises. 2 Small Scale Exercises, 2 Laboratory Tests,1 Small Scale Trial and 2 Full Scale Trials). The WP aims to familiarize and train practitioners on the operational use of the TeamUP solutions and evaluate field deployments with respect to training experience for collaborative CBRN-E and medical response and utilisation of novel technologies for enhancing DIM, Triage, DECON and the overall response effectiveness. It will therefore increase of operational capacities, materialising the lessons learned and recommendations for the cross-sectoral preparedness and response for CBRN-E related MCIs.