Related Projects

Novel InteGrated toolkit for enhanced pre-Hospital life support and Triage IN challenGing And Large Emergencies – H2020 2021/04 – 2024/09
The NIGHTINGALE project, gathering the EU’s finest technology providers and medical responders, develops, integrates, tests, deploys, demonstrates and validates a Novel Integrated Toolkit for Emergency Medical Response. The Toolkit is created to enhance triage and pre-hospitalisation procedures by increasing efficiency and effectiveness of handling victims.

Next Generation Integrated Toolkit (NGIT) for Collaborative Response - H2020 2019/09 – 2023/02
The project develops and tests a Next Generation Integrated Toolkit (NGIT) for Collaborative Response, which ensures high level of Protection & Augmented Operational Capacity to respond to the disaster scene. This includes tools to keep first responders protected, connected and fully aware of risks and threats during a crisis.
Integerating Risk Perception and Action to enhance Civil protection-citizen interaction- H2020 2021/09 – 2024/08
RiskPACC focuses on increasing disaster resilience across society by closing the Risk Perception Action Gap (RPAG) and aims to provide an understanding of disaster resilience from the perspective of citizens and Civil Protection Authorities (CPAs), identifying resilience building initiatives and good practices led by both citizens and CPAs.
Facilitating EU pre-standardization process through streamlining and validating interoperability in systems and procedures involved in the crisis management cycle – H2020 2020/09 - 2023/08
STRATEGY is developing a pan-European model of the pre-standardisation process for systems, solutions and procedures addressing crisis management. Mapping, testing, and validating new and existing standards across 8 crisis management streams, amongst others including CBRNE events.
Pathogen Contamination Emergency Response- H2020 - 2020/09 – 2024/02
PathoCERT aims to strengthen the coordination capability of first responders in the event that they have to work in places where the risk of contamination via water is high. Within this scope, the project will produce pathogen contamination emergency response technologies, tools and guidelines to be validated by first responders, helping them to detect pathogens quickly and to better control emergency situations.
Novel InteGrated toolkit for enhanced pre-Hospital life support and Triage IN challenGing And Large Emergencies – H2020 2021/04 – 2024/09
The H2020 Network of Practitioners project eNOTICE aims to establish a European network of CBRN training, testing and demonstration centres aiming at enhancing CBRN training capacity for improved preparedness and incident response through increased collaboration.
EU Network of Training Centres – UCPM-2023-KAPP-PREP 2024/01 – 2025/12
eNOTICE-2 will develop new training modules – review CBRN teaching courses, with up-to-date contents and adapted ways of learning information delivery to the trainees; Continuously update open-access digital library of CBRN resources; Methodology and develop of synthetic operational data (safety/security data sheets, SDS); Scenarios and VR/XR demo, focusing on harmonized procedures for decontamination; pan-EU pre-normative guideline for CBRN decontamination with special emphasis on decontamination of assistive devices for disabled people.
Extended Reality For DisasteR management And Media planning - H2020 2020/11 - 2023/04
The xR4DRAMA project creates a solution to improve the situational awareness of those user groups who are responsible for handling disasters, man-made crises or public events. The groups range from first responders, local authorities and security forces to media companies and event planners. xR4DRAMA’s methodology is based on X Reality (XR) technologies, and the tool can be used remotely and on site for an augmented and shared perception of a given situation. The aim of this project is to help first responders and media companies to have all the necessary information before planning any actions.
Extended Reality For DisasteR management And Media planning - H2020 2020/11 - 2023/04
The xR4DRAMA project creates a solution to improve the situational awareness of those user groups who are responsible for handling disasters, man-made crises or public events. The groups range from first responders, local authorities and security forces to media companies and event planners. xR4DRAMA’s methodology is based on X Reality (XR) technologies, and the tool can be used remotely and on site for an augmented and shared perception of a given situation. The aim of this project is to help first responders and media companies to have all the necessary information before planning any actions.
H2020 2017/01 – 2021/02
IN-PREP creates a training system that enables response agencies to train, plan and collaborate together, to better prepare responder for transboundary crises. Its main technological objective is to develop a metasystem to be implemented and tested in realistic conditions to assess the effectiveness of the present framework and mechanisms to train for the unexpected.
H2020 2018/05 – 2021/10
The mission of the H2020 project TERRIFFIC is to develop a comprehensive system of complementary, interconnected and modular software and hardware components. Individually they substantially enrich the European response to CBRNe events, but together, as an integrated TERRIFFIC System made available to all EU practitioners on the ENCIRCLE Catalogue, they enable a step-change to the response in the initial hours.
EfficieNT Risk-bAsed iNspection of freight Crossing bordErs without disrupting business – H2020 2020/01 – 2023/12
The project identifies innovative zero-emission transport solutions and promote their registration on the ENTRANCE platform where they can be matched with potential buyers and financing opportunities. Knowledge on good practices on the deployment of innovative solutions, European and national tenders and legislation, are exchanged through the online platform. The project includes training and brokerage activities and ENTRANCE facilitates purchase aggregation by setting up a neutral trustee for the orchestration of collaborations.
H2020 2015/09 – 2019/09
TOXI-triage addressed the operational, technological, ethical and societal dimensions of CBRN response and recovery, and importantly the economic base from which sustainable CBRN and multiuse systems are derived. Distinctive technological attributes include Rapid non-invasive assessment of exposure, and Casualty-to-discharge system integration.
H2020 2022/10 – 2023/01
The project aims to design an Integrated Multi-Agency Mass Casualty Incident Management and Digital Triage system, to support the instrumented collection and monitoring of victims’ vital signs from the field to the hospital, offering a multi-user collaborative and interoperable environment that enhances situational awareness and decision support.
H2020 2020/09 – 2023/02
STAMINA develops an intelligent decision support tool set for pandemic prediction and management and demonstrates its use by practitioners at national and regional levels within and across EU borders, enabling national planners and first responders to anticipate and efficiently respond to the “known-unknowns”.
Medical First Responder Training using a Mixed Reality Approach featuring haptic feedback for enhanced realism – H2020 2021/06 - 2024/05
MED1stMR transforms training practices to better prepare medical first responders for stressful and highly complex disaster situations. Innovative mixed reality (MR) technology is developed to combine real-world medical simulators with virtual environments to provide realistic training and allows the practice of medical action routines for mass casualty incidents.
Search & Rescue
H2020 2020/07 - 2023/06
The Search & Rescue project designs, implements and tests through a series of large scale pilot scenarios a highly interoperable open architecture platform for first responders enhancing their decision making and providing a dynamic common operational picture of the crisis.
H2020 2019/06 - 2023/01
The PALAEMON project engages innovative technologies in a new intelligent, sophisticated ecosystem of mass evacuation vessels (MEVs). It provides real-time data about the situation on a damaged or sinking vessel, monitor the localisation of persons on board, detect potential dangers and provide guidance about the best evacuation route. The ITC system equips both the vessel and the MEV to warrant a continuous monitoring during all the phases of the operation.
H2020 2021/05 - 2024/04
The TeamAware project develops an integrated and cost-efficient situational awareness system with heterogeneous and interoperable sensor units. It includes drone-mounted, wearable and external sensor systems, existing first responder services and operational centres. Highly standardised augmented reality and mobile human–machine interfaces increase the flexibility and reaction ability of first responders.
Smart Spaces Safety and Security – H2020 2020/09 - 2022/12
The S4AllCities project aims to make cities’ infrastructures, services, ICT systems and Internet of Things more resilient while promoting intelligence and information sharing amongst security stakeholders. The project integrates advanced technological & organisational solutions into a market-oriented, unified cyber–physical security management framework. The system focuses on risk-based open smart spaces security management, cybersecurity shielding, suspicious activity, behaviour tracking, the identification of unattended objects, the real-time estimation of cyber–physical risks in multiple locations and measures activation for effective crisis management.
H2020 2021 – 2023
APPRAISE builds on the latest advances in big data analysis, artificial intelligence, and advanced visualisation by creating a robust security framework that will improve both the cyber and physical security and safety of public spaces. APPRAISE develops and validates a state-of-the-art framework for soft target protection with a particular focus on active, audited, and well-defined information and intelligence exchange among private and public sector security practitioners to enable an effective collaboration, at the information and the operational levels.
HorizonEurope 2023/10 - 2027/09
The AGILE project, funded by the European Union and UKRI, is a beacon of innovation in Disaster Risk Management (DRM). It brings together a transdisciplinary consortium comprising research organizations, NGOs, SMEs, first responders and local/regional authorities to design, develop, and apply a comprehensive methodological framework and practical tools for understanding, anticipating, and managing High Impact Low Probability (HILP) events with a systemic risk and resilience perspective. This research approach is dedicated to implementation by and for practitioners’ and policy-makers’ needs and requirements on local, regional and national levels. AGILE will combine and integrate a wide range of established and innovative methodologies into a novel and replicable multi-sectoral risk and resilience stress testing methodology.
Extended Network of CBRN Training Centres for Innovation - Horizon Europe 2024/09 -2027/08
Building on eNOTICE and eNOTICE-2, eNOVATION addresses the increasing threat of Chemical and Biological threats including Toxin (CB/T) incidents, whether natural, intentional, or accidental, as well as the risk posed by “Do-It-Yourself” technologies. eNOVATION aims to expand and strengthen the network of CBRN training centres, including the CBRN Centre of Excellence. The project aims to upgrade the training framework for first responders in managing CB/T incidents and evaluating on-site emerging tools and technologies for detection, identification, monitoring, and decontamination. eNOVATION introduces new training methods that integrate upgraded courses, AI-supported technologies, enhancing automation and user-friendliness, as well as augmented and extended reality (AR/XR). The Network will guide pre-normative research for technologies and training methodologies. Altogether, technologies evaluated on-site are sourced from eNOVATION partners, ENCIRCLE, and eNOVATION supplier platforms.
Mobile Bio-Lab to support first response in Arbovirus outbreaks - Horizon Europe 2023/07- 2027/06
MOBVEC will be the first vector-borne disease (VBD) Mobile Bio-Lab, providing:
- Automatic information about vector populations, obtained in real-time by smart-traps, powered by machine-learning and edge computing: insect species, sex, age, and viral infection.
- GEOSS compliant vector risk maps of adult insects and eggs/larvae, built on field + Copernicus data;
- GEOSS compliant disease transmission models in mosquito populations, fusing data from Copernicus, clinical and diagnostic data of reference labs, and vector risk maps;
- GEOSS compliant citizen-science platform to reinforce the surveillance of mosquitoes using citizens as observation nodes.
- VBD mobile bio-lab with the capacities of points 1, 2, 3 and 4 + VBD Epidemiological maps and forecast models, to be rapidly operational in the heart of outbreaks to assist first-responders.
pan-European Management of Biological toxin incidents through standaRdisAtion initiatives for Crisis response Enhancement – HorizonEurope 2024/10-2027/09
EMBRACE aims to improve Europe’s capacity to respond effectively to biotoxin incidents.
The project analyses biotoxins not previously addressed in this context, creates risk-based recommendations for PPE and novel decontaminants, conducts in vitro studies to identify human biomarkers of exposure, novel samplers, portable biosensors and field diagnostics devices, and creates software tools to assist responders in biothreat risk assessment resulting in a planned standardisation and valorisation programme.
Orchestrating next-generation mobile modular laboratories for pandemic monitoring preparedness – HorizonEurope 2021/10-2025/09
Rapid response mobile laboratories (RRMLs) are key to quickly responding to and monitoring diseases. The EU-funded ONELAB project aims to develop a modular RRML for fast, flexible and scalable use in as many settings and scenarios as possible. In addition, it creates advanced measurement systems, and devise and demonstrate a workflow for semi-autonomous disease-specific biomarker discovery. The project’s Training and networking events improve key actors’ capabilities and capacities, and a citizen’s guide to mass community testing and educational outreach resources to boost public engagement and acceptance.
First responder Advanced technologies for Safe and efficienT Emergency Response - H2020 2019/10 - 2022/09
FASTER aims to address the challenges associated with the protection of first responders in hazardous environments, while at the same time enhancing their capabilities in terms of situational awareness and communication.The FASTER project examines the impact and the role first responders can have in cases of disasters. It will take into consideration the entire lifecycle of emergency preparedness and response, including the planning, logistical support, maintenance and diagnostics, training and management.
H2020 2021/09 – 2024/08
RESCUER aims to design and develop a First-Responder-centred technology toolkit that will empower the next-generation of First Responders (FR) by enhancing their operational capacity and safety, specifically in adverse conditions, both environmental and infrastructure-wise.
H2020 2020/10 - 2023/11
INTREPID will develop and validate a state-of-the-art, easy-to-deploy, secured and user-friendly platform employing Intelligence Amplification combined with eXtended Reality concepts and innovative autonomous cybernetic assistants to enhance the speed, range, and effectiveness of first responders, with particular focus on the safe exploration and assessment of complex and hazardous zones.
HorizonEurope 2023/09 - 2029/03
SYNERGISE designs, develops, integrates, deploys, tests, validates and demonstrates a Novel Integrated Toolkit for Collaborative Response and Enhanced Situational Awareness (NIT-CRES), at the service of response agencies which ensures an upgrade to managing of complex incidents.
HorizonEurope 2023/09 - 2029/03
KnowEMS will bridge in the capacity of the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) to – Share – Learn – Grow; the lack of a network that allows EMS operations managers, to share and discuss issues of interest internally, and interact with Civil Protection and public safety stakeholders to increase the effectiveness and interoperability of CP actors. With EMS and CP actors from 6 countries, this is a project by end users to meet their needs, who will be run by the practioners themselves. It aims to create a tight network of EMS operations managers, with strong involvement of CP and public safety actors.