TeamUP holds CEN Workshop kick-off meeting
In November 27th, the TeamUP project marked a significant milestone with the kick-off meeting for the development of a CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA). This CWA, developed within the framework of the TeamUP project, will focus on human decontamination procedures and validation thresholds in CBRN-E incidents (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive).
The aim of the CWA is to enhance international cooperation among first responders by providing clear procedures and thresholds for effective human decontamination during CBRN-E crises. It will address regulatory gaps that arise from the evolving nature of CBRN-E incidents and the continuous advancement of technological tools for crisis management. The focus will be on improving crisis management capabilities, particularly in enabling first responders to react effectively during an incident and ensuring appropriate post-intervention treatment. However, the CWA will not address national healthcare regulations.

A CEN Workshop Agreement is a collaboratively developed technical document created by a workshop of interested stakeholders. While not a mandatory standard, CWAs serve as valuable reference documents for industry, practitioners, and regulators. They are particularly effective in addressing emerging challenges quickly and efficiently.
By developing this CWA, the TeamUP project is making a tangible contribution to improving international collaboration, addressing critical gaps in CBRN-E crisis preparedness, and enhancing the safety and operational effectiveness of first responders.
Download the Workshop description.